What is data cleansing and why do I need It?

Data Solutions

Data cleansing is a form of data management that became an ever increasing part of business management in light of GDPR.

Over time, your business accumulates hundreds if not thousands of contacts and eventually these contacts are going to become outdated, duplicated, incorrect or irrelevant. The process of data cleansing ensures all information is stored in a consistent manner, and all contacts are merged into single contact rows.

Although there will be occasions where data cleansing involves the deletion of contacts, our aim is to focus your information, filling in the gaps and ensuring the information on file is as up to date as it can be.

It’s not an easy or quick process, but the benefits of having your data cleansed can reap huge benefits when it comes to marketing.

Why is Data Cleansing Important?


Although that’s not the only reason. Since May 25, 2018, it has been critical that any new contacts in your database are there correctly, securely and legally.

On top of this, keeping your data relevant means you’re more likely to see a return on your marketing investment. No more wasted publications or mailings, and a list of contacts who we know are interested in your products or services, means every penny is used more wisely than ever before.

How Can You Assess Your Data?

Data cleansing generally refers to the cleansing of a single database, but can also be the merger of data sources from multiple locations – where duplicate information or mixed information become more common.

You should evaluate your data by asking the following questions:

  • Does my data seem to make sense?
  • Are there duplicate contacts (and are the 100% duplicates)?
  • Are the fields labelled correctly?
  • Are there any spelling errors or obvious mistakes in the data?

How Do I Fix It?

By contacting our team, we can assess your information on a deeper level and let you know exactly how many invalid, incorrect or deceased records you own.

From there we can clean your information up, fill in some of the blanks and potentially find you more like minded contacts.


You will then be in the perfect position to make your information count, so why not ask our team about how we can improve your marketing too?

Interested in working with us? Get in contact to speak to us about all your marketing needs.