The marketing rule of 7

Email Marketing

If you have anything to do with marketing, in any form of the word, you will have no doubt encountered the famous ‘rule of 7’. When it comes to tried and tested methods, this one applies to all forms of business – no matter what your sector.

The principle states that prospects must encounter your business offering at least 7 times before it becomes truly noticed and acted upon. The trouble is, in a world saturated with marketing at every possibility, the rule of 7 is now more a rule of 21. Getting your message across in a clear and noticeable manner is a good start, but there are a number of things you can do to reach that magic number faster.

Multi-Channel Marketing

Restricting your budgets to a single channel may seem more manageable, but the reality is your money would be better spent elsewhere. Noticed that ad on Facebook earlier because you went on their site this morning? That doesn’t happen by chance. The big brands are in on the act of multi-channel messaging and if it works for them, it can work for you too.

Leverage Content Marketing

It’s easy to box yourself in when we talk about content marketing, but there are many avenues for you to be exploring. Besides blogging, you can create video-posts, podcasts, promote user-submissions and make your material shareable.

Whilst it may feel like a waste of time, and it can be time-consuming, content marketing will help you get noticed and will also have an impact on your SEO.


Data from HubSpot show that businesses that blog around 16 times or more per month get 3.5 times more traffic and 4.5 times more leads than businesses that blog less than four times a month. No matter what your strategy, sometimes quantity over quality can have an effect (although we suggest you aim for both).

Build an Email List

We are experts when it comes to prospect messaging, but what’s better than a prospect? A customer. Rather than educated marketing, a list of customers who know your brands and products could help you boost sales in no time.

It doesn’t have to just be customers either. Allowing prospects to sign up to your blog or offers means you already have them on the hook and it’s time to reel them in.

What’s more, email is easily accessible and in hand 90% of the time so it’s never been easier to get your message in front of the right people.

Look Elsewhere

When you write a blog post, you shouldn’t just be looking at your own site. Find leaders or influencers in your market space and look to submit blogs on their sites. Looking outside of digital, can you feature in any publications or get in front of your audience elsewhere to really benefit from the exposure.

Social Media

If you’re not already using social media, I doubt you’re reading this blog. Go on… set up those twitter and Facebook accounts and be proactive with them!

Reap the Technology Benefits

You don’t need to understand it to use it. You can use plugins, apps and widgets to see what your users are searching for and to stick in their newsfeeds.

Push notifications also allow you to get your latest deals in front of prospective clients and mean your message can be displayed as and when you want it to be seen.

Lessons learnt? Get out there, experiment and cast your net in a range of directions to see what works best for you. Once you start to succeed don’t stop. Just because business is good now, doesn’t mean it will be in 6 months time.

Interested in working with us? Get in contact to speak to us about all your marketing needs.