GDPR and postal marketing

Outbound Marketing

8 months ago, GDPR came into effect changing the way businesses all over the world handle and process our data. It has caused headaches for many people, and lots more are now scared about data and using it. Yet it has opened a new opportunity for businesses to utilise an ‘old school’ favourite of marketers. Direct marketing through the post.

Yep, mail is still subject to fewer regulations, which may mean that you may only be able to reach some customers via mail. Royal Mail has conducted some market research into how post is received by consumers and the impact it has.

49% more memorable

Mail has a more powerful impact on long-term memory than email

59% prefer mail

People appreciate being sent mail compared to 41% for email

94% take action

Most advertising mail leads to multiple actions

30% share more

Mail is often shared with at least 1 other person

87% believe in mail

People describe mail as believable, compared to 48% for email

70% go online

People who responded digitally to mail over 12 months

The numbers say it all, why not give it a try?

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