Facebook advertising - best practices


Any marketing is good marketing. Increasing your brand awareness and increasing your business popularity can work wonders for your cash flow. Want to take it to the next level? These 4 Facebook advertising best practices will help you create a buzz about your new products and services and get the best return on your Facebook advertising:

1. Be Visual

Visual content is not only prioritised by the Facebook algorithm, but it's also more likely to be remembered or shared than written content. What have we learnt? No matter what type of ad you create, imagery is everything.

2. Be Relevant.

Relevance is critical for success when using Facebook advertising. You are spending money when someone views or clicks on your ad (depending on the settings you use). If you're showing ads that aren't relevant to your target audience, you're wasting your time and money and will not see the success you're looking for with any kind of advertising.

Back in 2015, Facebook launched a feature in the Facebook advertising platform that rates your ads and gives you a relevance score. The more relevant your ad image, ad copy, and destination page is to your audience, the higher your score is -- and the more beneficial for you.

3. Enticing Proposition.

A value proposition tells the reader why they should click on your ad to learn more about your product. How is your product or service different from any other? Why should the viewer click on your ad to see your website?

Keep it believable. Saying you have the greatest sandwiches in the world will not make people come to your business's Page, but offering 20% off will. By adding social proof - "Sandwiches loved by over one million people every year! Come try yours today and get 20% off your order with this coupon." - you can allow people to see how others have benefited from your business.

4. Call-to-action.

A beautiful and relevant ad is great, but without a call-to-action (CTA), your viewer might not know what to do next. Add a CTA like “Buy now and save X%,” or “Offer ends soon” and add a sense of urgency to your viewer. Your CTA should encourage people to click on your ad now.

It may seem simple, but these 4 steps really allow your marketing to flourish. You would be surprised at how many people don't follow the above and expect any advertising to generate a return on investment. If you're still not sure on how you can benefit from social media marketing, get in touch and a member of our team will be happy to talk you through your options.

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